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Delve into our Expert Analysis of Key Issues related to Government R&D Incentives and SR&ED Tax Credit
In our blog, you will discover a wealth of knowledge and insights distilled from years of experience, designed to guide you through your government tax incentive journey, including SR&ED. We provide concise summaries that leverage our extensive expertise, helping you navigate the complex landscape of government incentives. Explore our blog to gain valuable insights that will empower you to make informed decisions and maximize your benefits. Benefit from our accumulated wisdom and let us be your trusted companion on your tax incentive journey.
Do you know the answers to *all* of these questions about the E-Business tax credit? What is the amount of tax credits that can be obtained? What are the activities eligible for the program? What criteria must my business meet to be eligible? How can I structure my business to meet the criteria? What documentation […]
Do you know the answers to *all* of these questions about the E-Business tax credit? What is the amount of tax credits that can be obtained? What are the activities eligible for the program? What criteria must my business meet to be eligible? How can I structure my business to meet the criteria? What documentation […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most overused buzzwords in business today. Companies everywhere are quick to claim that their processes are “AI-driven,” leading to inflated expectations. While AI is undoubtedly transformative, let’s be realistic about what it can actually achieve right now, especially when it comes to complex tasks like SR&ED tax […]
June 23rd is International Women in Engineering Day. To honor this day, Emergex is offering a 10% discount in June on its fees to help women entrepreneurs (founder or co-founder of a business) with SR&ED tax credit claims. In addition, Emergex offers free coaching to optimize your R&D financing. Follow us on social networks to […]
INTRIQ (Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information) and ISEQ (Quebec’s Electronic Systems Industry Cluster) have invited Emergex SR&ED Consultants to present at the Perspective Quantum webinar on October 27th, 2021. Eric Martin, Professional Services Director at Emergex, will present this brief introduction to raise awareness among universities, research centers, incubators, associations and companies working in the […]
As in a familiar joke, there is bad news and good news for SR&ED in Alberta: The bad news: since January 1, 2020, companies can no longer claim SR&ED tax credits from the Alberta government. The province previously offered a 10% refundable tax credit calculated on eligible R&D expenses. The good news: on July 22, […]
We already covered the impacts of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) in a previous article. However, the federal government announced that it would be extending the program to June, 2021, and that major changes would be made to both the program eligibility criteria and subsidy rates. Full details are available on the Department of […]
We had the privilege last week to present a new webinar in partnership with AInBC, The Artificial Intelligence Network of British Columbia. This webinar, specially designed for the AI companies, highlights the best practices to apply and the common mistakes to avoid in order to optimize your SR&ED tax credit claims. It also explores the […]
Continuing with our series of articles on government emergency measures, we will now continue by talking about non-subsidy COVID-19-related aid programs. Once again, we will look at the likely impact of any such aid on your future Scientific Development and Experimental Development (SR&ED) and E-Business (CDAE in French for crédit d’impôt aux Affaires Électroniques) tax […]